hey folks,
its been awhile since I've posted anything. well just to catch up I'm almost finished w/ school (thank GOD), hopefully i will have a job come January 2011 @ Burke Williams Day Spa in WEHO (crossing fingers), i have had to put 2 of my beloved dogs down Bud and Oreo (my 2 OG'S) in March and Today unfortunately. i am sad but i know in my heart i made the right decision. so its only Lucky, Mimi and Baylee left. on a happier note i have been shooting more and over the summer i did my 1st film called "Isis Dynasty" starting Fatima Washington, Faizon Love, Tanika Ray and some other celebs and comedians. needless to say im excited to actually see everything come together. within the last couple of months i have had 2 new nieces marley and savannah. i havent been buying mac products as much i have started exploring my other mu options and im pretty impressed with them. smashbox is cool, occ make up is nice and make up forever is great too. to sum it all up ive been thru somethings this year but its still been a great year. there are positives and negative to go around but i try and focus on the positive. hope all is well w/ everyone and ill talk to you soon!